Bring a world of learning to youth by becoming a partner of Guardian Whiskers


Become a Board Member!

Become a Guardian Whiskers Sponsor!

Join our community of pet-passionate supporters by becoming a sponsor. Your meaningful support will bring literacy programs, create a love of learning, and allow life skills to be developed with the supportive and inspirational bond people and pets share. Most importantly, you will be a champion, especially in the lives of young people. Sponsorships start at $500 and include various opportunities to promote your work. For more information, please email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (608) 886-8849.

Make a Gift!

Support our youth literacy programs by making a charitable gift to Guardian Whiskers. Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference in the lives of young people and help them learn valuable life skills.

THANK YOU to our supporters and sponsors

Evjue Foundation
Logo of the Altrusa International, Inc. of Madison
Connexus Credit Union Cares logo

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