Happy Spring!

March 28, 2024

Happy Spring!

Thank you again to those who submitted stories about Paquito, a Northern saw-whet owl, in Taradiddle Youth Writing Contest #5. THANK YOU for your patience as the Taradiddle Judges read all the amazing stories and select the finalists. Please stay tuned next week for an announcement of the finalists!

Because the writing prompt was based on a true wildlife rescue story, some of you might be interested to learn more about how you can help wildlife. If you do – this is AWESOME! As the weather warms up, the wildlife baby season goes into full gear and wild animals become more active. 

Here are some tips and suggestions!

Number 1
The first important thing to know is that taking care of wildlife takes expertise and a license. Never attempt to take care of a wild animal on your own. Wildlife rehabilitation centers are places where injured, sick, orphaned, or displaced wild animals are treated by licensed specialists to restore their good health and released back to their natural homes in the wild. Find your local wildlife rehabilitation center in the U.S. here.
Number 2
If you find a wild animal, here are the signs they might be injured…

you can see an injury,
they appear to have a broken limb,
they are weak and shivering,
they were attacked by a dog, cat, or other animal,
they are circling, rolling, staggering,
they are an adult bird and they are not flying away,
they have been vocalizing for a long time.

If this is the case, do NOT touch! You could get bitten! The animal will not understand that you want to help. Let your parent, guardian, or caretaker know and call your local wildlife rehabilitation center to report your finding, or call your local Animal Services department. Keep other people and pets away from the animal. Not sure who to call? Visit here to find the closest wildlife rehabilitation center to you (in the U.S.).
Number 3
If you find a baby animal, the parent may be near, and it might not need any help. The best care for a baby animal is the care its mother can provide. Let your parent, guardian, or caretaker know. Then, visit this great resource to help you decide if a baby animal needs help.
Number 4
There are lots of ways to help wildlife – from knitting nests for baby birds to placing decals on your windows to prevent window collisions by birds and having a lemonade stand to help raise money for your local wildlife rehabilitation center. Visit here for ideas and check in with your local wildlife rehabilitation center to make sure they need the items. If you are 18 years and older, you might be able to volunteer at your local wildlife rehabilitation center and learn about wild animals firsthand!
Thank you for your patience!
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Guardian Whiskers' Logo
The Taradiddle Youth Writing Contests is a youth writing program of Guardian Whiskers, a nonprofit organization based in Madison, Wisconsin in the United States. As some of you may know, animals are amazing beings. In addition to providing unconditional support and healing, they also provide the greatest inspiration. Because animals are great muses, all Taradiddle writing contests are animal-themed. For more information about Guardian Whiskers, please visit here: www.guardianwhiskers.org.
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Cat Care Clinic
City Dog Vet
The Francie Luke Silverman Foundation
The Book Deal in Madison, WI
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