Here are some fun facts about Darby!
Age: 5 years old
Type of Dog: Darby is 1/4 Bernese Mountain Dog and 3/4 Poodle
Animal Sibling: Mickey, a 37-year-old white-fronted parrot
Favorite treat: Anything expensive! Darby has fine taste.
Favorite activity: Sleeping and hiking. Darby participates in a bi-weekly hike with a group of dogs. His hiking buddy is named Max and the two are partners in crime in finding fun on the trails!
Favorite trick: Darby is full of tricks! He knows “sit pretty,” “high five,” “shake,” “peek-a-boo,” and “touch.” He is currently working on “roll-over,” but he gets stuck halfway in the roll-over and “plays dead” instead!
Favorite season: Winter
Special Skill: Darby is a highly skilled cuddler.
Favorite book genre: Have you guessed it, yet? His favorite books are books on kids, his favorite subject!
Nickname: Darbs and D-Man